Mystery Critstones


9 vorrätig

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Do you dare to roll the dice and reveal the Mystery? This pouch contains one premium CritStones set, waiting to be revealed by brave explorers. It can contain any of our dice sets in any style and color. Metal, Liquid Core, Hollow Metal, Glass, Real Mineral, Sharp Edged Resin, they could all be in there. Any of our €40,- to €125,- sets could be waiting for you! Let’s roll the dice!

Mystery CritStones Dice Features

Premium Sets: Every bag contains a premium first-run set. These are not our unwanted dice but a selection of our best!
Complete set of 7 dice: This set includes all standard polyhedral dice – d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20, and a percentile die (d10 marked in tens).
Balanced Rolls: Each die is carefully balanced to ensure fair play, they have deep stamped numbers and hand painted numbers to ensure for easy readability
Velvet bag: Each pouch also containts a velvet bag to keep your dice safe and secure after you open the plastic pouch.
Value Each set is valued at a minimum of €40,- and can range up to €125,- if you’re lucky!
Suited for many RPG games: This set can be used for a wide array of RPG / TTRPG games like Dungeons and Dragons, Heroscape, Shadowrun, Starfinder, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, Star Wars RPG, Blades in the Dark, Savage world, Warhammer and many more RPG and card games.



Glassstaff B.V.
Suikerpeer 97

2771 PT Boskoop

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Glassstaff B.V.
Suikerpeer 97

2771 PT Boskoop