Pirates of Maracaibo (DE)
62,95 €
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Über drei Runden besuchen die Freibeuterinnen und Piraten mit ihren Schiffen zahlreiche Inseln der Karibik, heuern dabei Verbündete an, kapern die Boote ihrer Rivalen, unternehmen Expiditionen und vergraben Schätze. Dabei gilt es, die richtigen Karten zu erwerben, Würfel geschickt einzusetzen und seine Flotte auszubauen.
Game takes three cycles; players visit with their ships numerous Caribbean islands, hiring allies, raiding their rival’s vessels, promoting expeditions and bury treasures. Getting the right cards and using the dice cunningly is key, as well as pimping their own fleet.
1 Spielplan, 4 Spielertableaus, 7 kleine Tableaus, 3 farbige Würfel, ca. 118 Plättchen, 120 Karten, ca. 125 Holzteile, 1 Anleitung , Zip-Beutel, 1 Promo-Plättchen
1 Main Board, 4 Player Tables, 7 Minor Boards, 3 Colored Dice, apprrox. 118 Cardboard Tokens, 120 Playing Cards, approx. 125 Wooden Pieces, 1 Rulebook, Zip Bags, 1 Promo Tile
Game takes three cycles; players visit with their ships numerous Caribbean islands, hiring allies, raiding their rival’s vessels, promoting expeditions and bury treasures. Getting the right cards and using the dice cunningly is key, as well as pimping their own fleet.
1 Spielplan, 4 Spielertableaus, 7 kleine Tableaus, 3 farbige Würfel, ca. 118 Plättchen, 120 Karten, ca. 125 Holzteile, 1 Anleitung , Zip-Beutel, 1 Promo-Plättchen
1 Main Board, 4 Player Tables, 7 Minor Boards, 3 Colored Dice, apprrox. 118 Cardboard Tokens, 120 Playing Cards, approx. 125 Wooden Pieces, 1 Rulebook, Zip Bags, 1 Promo Tile